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The Experiments Ch. 1: If you are reading this, this is probably the last note I'll ever write. The person that has kidnapped me has stated that he wants me to be the first successful robocop thing. I'm trying to claw my way out and the guy is getting closer to my cell. The first subject wrote, as he struggled to escape the grasp of the man. To be continued.Chapter 2 [The Subject] Subject had successful surgery. Now booting up the new body. "What happened to me? What the fuck happened? Why is there a syringe stuck in my skull? It feels painful. Please stop this.." He said, panicking, as multiple things were running into his brain at once.Chapter 3 [The Trials] The person said that they would begin some type of trial. He gave an android a Magnum revival, and he said that the fight would begin. About 5 minutes nater, I was brought to the small room with cameras set up. I was forced to fight the machine, and I did it with my bare hands. The wounds on my face still hurt.Chapter 4 [The Military] I was utilized to fight against a swarm of zombies, and was successful. The guy then put me into a chamber with a furry, and all I felt was hatred towards the thing, when I punched it, it fell to the ground. The blood was made of something sticky.. and white. It was cum.Chapter 5 [Torture] I've started to freak out and hallucinate things that aren't there, and my blood is green from all the shit put into me. My head is aching, and I just want my family back. This is psychological torture. I feel like I'm stuck in a room with concrete padding and shit. I've been staring at the wall for a week.Chapter 6 [Protocol 27s] The alarms went off today and it stated that heavily militarized watermelons were invading the facility. I have a bad feeling that they aren't the good ones, though. I immediately was able to bust the door off it's hinges, and I was met by one of the melons. I grabbed his rifle and ripped his arm off with it, and shot him right in the face, as several more ran down the hall and started firing at me. The bullets all ricochet off of my metallic body and they were all on the ground immediately. I felt like a badass when they had all fallen to the floor. Turns out that they had only 17 soldiers. Ch. 7 [Let Go] The person told me that I exceeded his expectations as a "super soldier". Turns out I had enlisted in the marines in 2026 and several decades had passed. I was released from my cell as I passed by the failed experiments, and they informed me that I had a grandson now. I am now back home with my wife and having the best life. I wasn't there for my kids and I feel horrible for it. I am very proud of them. As for the rest of my body, it was recreated with a high-tech wire structure that allows me to move the parts. [The End]